Spelsidan Sixth Axis rapporterar att Red Steel-producenten Jason Vandenberghe gärna skulle släppa spelserien till Playstation 3 när det rörelsekänsliga tillbehöret "Wand" lanserats. Däremot tror han inte att det skulle passa lika bra till Xbox 360-tillbehöret Natal.
"I think it could work fantastically with the Sony wand, [however] with this kind of game you need a thumbstick, that's the only real constraint. For walking around at least, I haven't seen a solution.", säger han och fortsätter:
"Microsoft may come forward and show me something I haven't seen before, which makes me understand how you can play a first-person action game like this that requires this intense finesse and accuracy in your motion, and not have a controller in your hand of some kind.
But I think we need to have a thumbstick. I think this is probably a more natural fit for the Sony side of things right now, but I don't think Microsoft is showing all of its cards right now either."