Om lite knappt en månad får äntligen en av årets mest efterlängtade filmer premiär och i ännu en intervju berättar Robert Pattinson lite mer om sin syn på mörkrets riddare. Han gick till och med så långt som att kalla Batman för "en riktig kuf" när Total Film hade ett samtal med honom.
"I was aiming for quite different stuff. Obviously, it's basically the jewel in the crown, of the parts you can really get as an actor. But I'd never really thought I was anywhere close to doing it, and especially with the other parts I was attracted to at the time."
"I just kept obsessively checking up on it for the next year or so. Even my agents were like, 'Oh, interesting. I thought you only wanted to play total freaks?' And I was like, 'He is a freak!'"
Pattinson beskrev sig själv som ett genuint fan av Batman och berättade hur han sett alla filmer som kommit ut med honom i huvudrollen på bio. Något han inte gjort med några andra superhjältefilmer.
"Out of all the comic-book characters and that kind of movie, I've seen every single one of the movies in the cinema, which I can't really say I've done for any other series. I was always really looking forward to them coming out. There was the combination of just being so attracted to it, but also feeling like it'd had a lot of movies made about it, and none of them are bad movies. People kind of shit on some of them, but they're not actually bad. They all kind of completely achieve what they set out to achieve, and they're all really interesting, according to their time and place. I don't know. I just had a weird instinct about it. But I've always loved the character."
Skådespelaren pratade även om det trauma som ruvar djupt inne i Batman och vad som driver honom att göra det han gör. Hur det nästan fungerar som terapi eller självhjälp. I samband med intervjun visades även några nya bilder upp från filmen som du kan beskåda här nedan.
Vad tycker du är Batmans drivkraft, vad får honom att göra det han gör?