Gears of War 2

Sju nya Gears of War 2-banor

Fett multiplayer-röj i Dark Corners

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Den 28:e nästa vecka kommer äntligen Gears of War 2: Dark Corners. En mastig expansion till Gears of War 2 som förutom sju nya mulitplayer-banor även innehåller en ny del till själva kampanjen att röja sig igenom. Här är de sju nya banorna komplett med namn, information och såklart bild.

Gears of War 2
Allfathers Garden: Honor the sacred grounds of the Coalition founders in this explosive map, where powerful weapons catalyze fast and furious action at this COG landmark.
Gears of War 2
Highway: Take the fight deep into Locust Hollow in the complex passages of this underground highway system brimming with enemy vermin. Stick together, separate the enemy and have an exit strategy ready or it'll be a one-way trip.
Gears of War 2
Memorial: Set near the Eternal Flame, which pays tribute to the fallen soldiers on the battlefield, a hard-fought battle ensues at the Tomb of Unknowns. Put your flank formation and evasive skills to the test as you fight to control the Boomshot.
Gears of War 2
Nowhere: Set in the middle of what was once a destination for weary desert travellers, the land is now barren and devoid of life. Pick off your enemies with the Longshot sniper rifle and make your way to the stairwell with a well-fortified team during this intense firefight.
Gears of War 2
Sanctuary: Once a peaceful ground for reflection and remembrance, all that remains of the Sanctuary is the chill of death. Feast your eyes on the arsenal of weapons available as you make your way through the tight paths and blind corners of the Locust-damaged temple corridors.
Gears of War 2
War Machine: In the abandoned train station that once served as a hub for travel, you will need to master the Longshot, Mulcher, and Boomshot weapons to advance the fight while evading fire from the platforms above.
Gears of War 2
Way Station: Sitting in limbo between death and "processing" are Locust way stations filled with fallen COG soldiers. Tread lightly and practice patience as it's better to sacrifice firepower for stealth while navigating this minefield of hidden grenades.

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