Åtta långa år har hunnit förflyta sedan myspys-simulatorn officiellt lanserades på PC, och för att fira tillfället har utvecklaren Eric Barone utannonserat datumet för den kommande uppdateringen - version 1.6. Vilken kommer lanseras den 19:e mars, med andra ord om knappt tre veckor. Och i ett meddelande till alla fans skrev Barone:
Hello everyone, Today is Stardew Valley's 8th anniversary. That's a long time, I can't believe it's been so long. But the game is doing great, especially here on Steam which was the first platform I launched the game on, and have always considered it "home". It's an honor that Stardew Valley has been so well-received here on Steam, and I thank all of you for playing the game and creating a cool community around it!
Exakt vad som version 1.6 kommer att innehålla har Barone medvetet hållit ganska hemligt, och frånsett en sneak peak uppmuntrar han istället alla spelare att på egen hand upptäcka allt nytt.
This update adds some new content to the game. I will release patch notes on the day of launch, but I think it would be more fun for you to just play the update and discover everything yourself. The update will work perfectly fine with your existing save files, but I'd recommend starting a new file to get all the new stuff in context (and because it's always fun to start a new file). You may even want to start with the new farm type.
Spelar du fortfarande Stardew Valley och ser du fram emot version 1.6?