John Wick: Chapter 4

Stunts kan komma att bli en kategori på Oscarsgalan

Diskussionerna gällande detta har åtminstone påbörjats, enligt John Wick-regissören Chad Stahelski...

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Chad Stahelski, regissör till John Wick-filmerna och den kommande Ghost of Tsushima-filmatiseringen, säger att han tror att en stuntkategori på Oscars-galan kan komma att införas ganska snart.

I ett samtal hos Comic Book Movie talade Stahelski om John Wick: Chapter 4, när han fick frågan om hur actionfilmer höjt sin nivå under de senaste åren, och om han tyckte att det var värt att få en stunts-kategori på Oscarsgalan. Han svarade:

"It's all like urban legend of why there's not a category or anything like that. In truth, from what research I've done, is that the conversation hasn't happened. No one from the Academy has sat down at a big table with a contingent from the stunt world and sorted it out. I mean, we're not just talking about an American stunt team, we're talking about a global network of stunt performers, and international films from all over the world. That's a lot of people. I don't know, if you or anyone is really familiar with how big the Academy really is, but it's hundreds of members. It's a lot of mechanisms to get these things done, and I just don't think anyone's ever sat down at the table and figured it out.

So, in the last couple of months, we've been meeting with members of the Academy and actually having these conversations, and, to be honest, it's been nothing but incredibly positive, incredibly instructional. I think, for the first time, we've made real movement forward to making this happen. I think it's something that can happen as soon as, you know, the next Oscars, or at least the one after that, at the latest, the next three or four years. I think there's a lot of working parts, but there's also, when you say that, I ask you a question back. - 'Okay, so I'm the Academy, you've come to me and said we should have stunts in the Oscars, and I go, I agree with you. Great. How do we do it? How do we select the best stunt? Who do we give it to? Quick, what are your answers?"

Det verkar alltså som om framsteg verkligen gjorts bakom kulisserna. En stuntkategori på Oscars-galan vore kanske ingen dum idé, eftersom stuntskådespelarna ofta riskerar sina kroppar för att få till den perfekta tagningen. Vad tycker du?

John Wick: Chapter 4

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