Det verkar som att den som tänkt spela igenom skräckäventyret The Medium på en Xbox Series S inte kommer att bli besviken. När VG247 nyligen intervjuade producenten Jacek Zięba, avslöjades att han nyligen spelade igenom det på en Series S men trodde det var på en Series X:
"Yeah, I even played the whole game on Series S like one week ago and I was blown away because I thought I played on Series X. Somebody told me "man, this is Series S." What! Awesome, wonderful. Of course, you know, there will not be 4K because S does not support 4K, and of course it will maybe look different a little to Series X because X is twice as powerful, but the overall experience and fun from the game, it is the same. I own the Series S and I can't wait to play in my home."
The Medium släpps den 28 januari till PC och Xbox Series S/X. Det ingår även med Xbox Game Pass från dag ett.