Respawn Entertainment är inte direkt lata. Förutom att fila på uppföljaren till 2014 års dundermultiplayer-lir Titanfall bekräftar nu utgivarna EA att studion ska få göra ett Star Wars-spel. Det rör sig om ett actionspel sett ur tredje person och teamet leds av Stig Asmussen, en man som har en del erfarenhet med genren i och med att han var den ledande kreativa kraften bakom God of War III.
Såhär skriver Asmussen i Respawn-bloggen:
"I am happy to announce our partnership with Electronic Arts and Lucasfilm to deliver a whole new adventure to the galaxy.
For me, just typing these words is surreal. I have been playing Star Wars games my whole life, now I get to make a Star Wars game. On top of that, I get to do it at Respawn, a studio comprised of the most talented collection of game makers, creators, visionaries, and (most importantly) advocates for the player, that I have had the good fortune to work with.
And we, like you all, have no shortage of Star Wars passion.
The entire company erupted in cheers when it was announced that this would be our next endeavor.
But it's not all fun and games — we promise to pay respect to the Star Wars legacy at all times, a fact that will be constantly reinforced and honored as a central game design tenet. Fans should expect the exemplary level of quality first established at Respawn with Titanfall, a game that epitomizes our studio's dedication to slick, larger-than-life action and fun, groundbreaking mechanics. Moving forward, we couldn't ask for a better universe in which to continue this journey, and although I would love to share all of the exciting places we are going, we have the following piece of information to divulge with you all today:
We'll be making a third-person action/adventure game set in the Star Wars universe."
Asmussen berättar också att de söker nya talanger för "alla avdelningar" och genom deras jobbannonser kan vi se att de planerar att använda sig av Unreal Engine 4.
Utöver detta vet vi i dagsläget ingenting om Respawns Star Wars-titel. Er gissning om vad det kan tänkas vara är lika goda som våra. Kan det vara ett nytt Jedi Knight eller Force Unleashed? Kan det vara en andlig uppföljare till Republic Commando? Eller är det något helt originellt?
Vad tror och hoppas ni?