Death Stranding

Kojima: "Death Stranding-filmen kommer inte bli en blockbuster fylld av explosioner och kändisar"

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Spekulationerna kring den nyligen utannonserade och kommande filmatiseringen av Death Stranding är redan i full gång och i en intervju med IGN passade Hideo Kojima på att understryka några små men viktiga detaljer kring projektet. Den excentriska visionären nämner bland annat hur filmen inte kommer vara någon explosiv blockbuster proppfylld med kända ansikten, utan något långt mer intimt och litet.

"I was on video calls with lots of people in Hollywood every week beginning last year, and not just for Death Stranding. I received a lot of offers, but my intention from the start was never to make a blockbuster film. Alex Lebovici from Hammerstone Studios shared my vision with regards to that.

"There were a lot of pitches to make a large-scale movie with famous actors and flashy explosions, but what good would explosions be in Death Stranding? Making money isn't something I'm focused on at all, either. I'm aiming for a more arthouse approach, and the only person who offered to make a film like that was Alex Lebovici, which makes me think he's a rather unusual type."

Exakt vilka karaktärer från spelet som kommer medverka är inget som är bestämt ännu, och Kojima nämner även att spelet och filmen kommer vara två tydligt olika entiteter.

"We haven't quite decided that yet. The failure of film adaptations of games from a while back has led to a lot of movies that cater to gamers, right? That's why they have the same kind of look as a game. I don't want the Death Stranding movie to be like that. Rather, I'm taking the approach of changing and evolving the world of Death Stranding in a way that suits film well."

"I made Death Stranding to be a game, and games are games. There's no real need to turn them into films. So in a way, the Death Stranding movie is taking a direction that nobody has tried before with a movie adaptation of a game. I think that what I need to make is something that will inspire some of the people who watch it to become creators 10 or 20 years down the line."

Känns som en vettig approach enligt oss, Kojima har alltid haft ett unikt öga för detaljer så där finns definitivt massvis av potential i detta projektet.

Vad tycker du om hans uttalanden, vettiga eller hade du hoppats på något mer bombastiskt?

Death Stranding
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