Star Wars Outlaws fick mestadels goda recensioner, men fick också kritik från både recensenter och spelare för att den tekniska nivån var lite undermålig vid lanseringen. Det insinuerades till och med att utvecklarna var lata eller inte brydde sig tillräckligt mycket om sitt arbete för att säkerställa att en viss kvalitetsnivå uppnåddes.
Men oavsett anledningen till att spelets tekniska tillstånd var ifrågasatt, är director David Polfeldt irriterad över kritiken och försvarar sina kollegor bakom titeln.
Vi pratade nyligen med honom och här är vad han hade att säga:
"I'm really glad to hear that [you liked the game]. Because I know the team made a tremendous effort for that game and they produced it in a relatively short time, if you think about it. I'm really, really happy for them and what they did. I wish it was received better, and I think with more respect, because I think it's a little bit cheap to kick on it. I think there's a, let's be honest, there's an industry stigma right now where it's easy to complain about the industry. There is a big publisher stigma. It's very easy to complain about EA, and Ubisoft, and Activision, and all of them.
But that's not analysis, if you ask me, that's some kind of internet bullying that I don't love, and I think it lacks real thought, because it's true that these companies are in a moment, in a time of crisis and probably they deserve to be also. That is my opinion, but I think it's not the dev team, you know, it's not the people who did Star Wars Outlaws, who busted their mm-hmm to get it done. Those are the people who are still fighting for amazing entertainment and for gamers. So I think maybe they're not the ones who deserve to be scrutinized".
Vi rekommenderar att du tittar på hela intervjun nedan.